How leadership culture affects R&D performance

How leadership culture affects R&D performance

Does your research and development (R&D) perform well?
Is there aligned autonomy in your organization?

In a “low alignment/low autonomy” setting, R&D personnel does not see the big picture and strategic direction. They are micromanaged which leads to low employee engagement, tribal-, network-based knowledge, and busy, but unproductive people.

“High alignment/low autonomy” is the realm of top-down decision-making. As a result, these are organizations in which employees are trained not to make their own decisions and avoid risks.

In the case of “low alignment/high autonomy”, we see disconnected teams. They have a large degree of autonomy but are barely aware of their connection to strategy and often their relationship with each other.

“High alignment/high autonomy” is the ideal. A transparent strategy ensures that empowered teams and individuals are working on the right things. In this culture, innovation can thrive best.


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How leadership culture affects R&D performance

How leadership culture affects R&D performance

How leadership culture affects R&D performance