AED & ALS Defibrillator Market

Automated External Defibrillator Market

AED & ALS Defibrillator Market was worth ~2.2bUSD in 2021, with projected CAGR of 2.2% to reach 2.5bUSD by 2026. 

The market breaks down into Public Access AED, Professional AED, Hospital ALS and EMS / Transport ALS. 
Key segments are Public Access AED (~1bUSD size and 6% CAGR) and Hospital ALS (~0.7bUSD size and -1% CAGR).

Americas is ~1bUSD market, whereas EMEA and APAC count for ~0.6bUSD each.

Leading countries are US, Japan and Germany. China is expected to keep up in medium-term.

Market leaders are ZOLL (incl. Cardiac Science), Stryker (incl. Physio-Control), Nihon Kohden (incl. Defibtech) and Philips.


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AED & ALS Defibrillator Market

AED & ALS Defibrillator Market

AED & ALS Defibrillator Market